Published Date: 11th Apr 2024

Survivable Speeds

The Timaru District Council have begun implementing lower speeds within the district as part of their Speed Management Plan that was approved by The New Zealand Transport Agency: Waka Kotahi earlier this year.

This plan prioritises the safety and wellbeing of community members by targeting kura (schools) and other high-risk locations as indicated by public feedback and conducted research while maintaining travel journey efficiency.

The first stage to implement this plan is to reduce the speed limits arounds schools by introducing a 30km/h permanent or variable speed limit for most schools in the district.

Schools with variable speeds will be equipped with electronic signs flashing the reduced speed during school drop-off and pick-up times, when students are most at risk.  All new speed limit signs are expected to be installed by 1 July, 2024.

These speed reductions are crucial; research undertaken within New Zealand and Australia shows that if a person walking is hit by a car travelling at 50km/h, the chance of survival is 20%, compared to if a person is hit by a car travelling at 30km/h, the chance of survival increases to 90%.

“These measures are the first step in our commitment to ensuring that everyone can travel safely in our community.” says Timaru District Council Transport Manager, Suzy Ratahi.

Along with these speed reductions come various safety-focused infrastructure, such as roundabouts and raised pedestrian crossings that are popping up in various locations near schools throughout the district.

For more information on speed limit changes, visit the Timaru District Council website.