International Drivers

Driving in South Canterbury

If you're from overseas, South Canterbury roads are probably different to what you're used to. Distances may seem short on paper, but our roads can be narrower than you're used to, cover hilly terrain, and vary from highways to unsealed gravel roads.

Here are some things that may be different:

  • We drive on the left-hand side of the road
  • It's easy to underestimate travelling times
  • "Black ice" (ice that can't be seen) is common on our roads in winter - vehicles can easily lose traction and slide
  • Our roads are narrower, more winding and sometimes steeper than you might expect
  • Our roads generally only have one lane in each direction
  • Not all railway crossings have active warnings
  • Seat belts are compulsory for everyone in the vehicle
  • It's illegal to use a phone while driving.

We want you to have a great trip and arrive safely at your destination, so make sure you allow plenty of time and take regular breaks. The trip may be slower, but the scenery is amazing so take your time and enjoy your journey.

Tips for driving safely in South Canterbury:

Most crashes in this  involve loss of control on corners, due to driving too fast, tiredness, distraction, or not keeping left. Please keep your eyes on the road, not the scenery. Please stop at designated lookout points to take photos, rather than stop on the roadside.

  • When you feel tired – Take a break
  • Drive slower on unsealed / gravel roads (70km/hr or less)
  • Stay focused on driving – Avoid using your phone
  • Stay on the left of the road including around corners